quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010


Ademir Pascale foi citado na revista americana Locus - The Newspaper of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Field, N.º 592, de maio deste ano.

Trecho: "Themed anthologies are still around, open mostly to new writers who pay for publication if their stories are accepted. It's a solution for a market that lacks professional magazines. Some recent titles are Invasão (Invasion) and Metamorfose: A Fúria dos Lobisomens (Metamorphosis: The Wrath of Werewolves), both edited by the industrious Ademir Pascale for Giz Editorial and All Print Editora, respectively. Invasão is the very first local anthology of alien invasion stories - a lot of them lean toward horror, though - by Christian David; Mariana Albuquerque; Mario Carneiro Jr; Eduardo Lesnok; Ricardo Delfin; Rober Pinheiro; Waldick Garrett; veteran Carqueija; and a few others"

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